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"While it is the deep, meaningful discussions that we crave, these talks often..."


While it is the deep, meaningful discussions that we crave, these talks often begin with a question, small talk or the simply the willingness to learn and listen. If you look across the table at your partner and don’t have any idea of what to say or how to begin, the following questions/requests can help you get started:

  • Who is a friend from you past you wish was still in your life? What is it about this friend you miss? Why did you lose touch with this friend?
  • If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
  • What is your first memory from childhood?
  • Describe the best birthday you ever had.
  • What is one thing you have never done but have always wanted to do?
  • Tell me about your most embarrassing moment.
  • If you could go back and live in any time in history, what would that be? What about that time most interests you? Read More »